Serenade Of Light

Are not privy to the mysteries of design one knows what the room lighting makes the home comfortable and very warm atmosphere, peaceful mood. Perhaps that is why for so long and carefully, we choose light or table lamp, it being understood that the lighting is largely dependent comfort of our home. To choose the right light, at home you can install either a shimmering muted or bright light is very solemn, to make it reflected or directed depending on whether we want to create a trusting, intimate atmosphere, or, alternatively, to arrange a huge celebration for our guests. However, all sorts of desire to buy anything suitable for your home, we are often faced with all sorts of difficulties. Fixtures foreign production (eg Spanish) – expensive and not always suited to our Russian interior. Glenn Dubin, New York City often addresses the matter in his writings. Among domestic – rather difficult to choose modern ceiling for the whole apartment, even more so in the same style. And it is almost impossible to buy chandeliers, made-to-order, ie best suited to the interior of your home.