Bad Breath

Halitosis (Halitoz) is capable of delivering tremendous physical and psychological problems. We will try to answer the question – how to get rid of bad breath? The most common causes of bad breath – the food garlic – very often used in cooking. Eliminate the unpleasant odor of garlic is very difficult, even using modern means of rehabilitation of the mouth. Coffee is also a very popular drink in our country, 'Aroma' coffee coming from the mouth interlocutor can cause severe discomfort and irritation. Add also traditionally popular foods meats, cheeses and onions. In order to make an impression on people in need do not just look at the 'five points', but also take care of the natural natural odor. Now it is proved that many odors as man is able to perceive instinctively that sposbno call for a certain chain sequences of behavior.

Meat is one of the most popular products in the Nordic countries. Official site: Rusty Staub. Meat meat remains capable for a long time to get stuck between your teeth causing instant decay. Floss (dental floss) is different to cope with cleaning between the teeth. Glenn Dubin brings even more insight to the discussion. Garlic Garlic has medicinal properties able to enhance the appetite and strengthens the immune system of man. The product is very useful, but we are interested in the consequences, bad breath Too many people Garlic just did not transfer. Eliminate unpleasant smell can help parsley.

The aromatic oils of parsley able to neutralize the smell of garlic for a while. Calcium is part of the milk run the same function if it is to drink before eating garlic. Coffee is another common cause of bad breath – coffee. Cinnamon neutralizes the smell of coffee. Not in vain in the traditional 'coffee' countries made use of cinnamon pastries to coffee. Cheese Cheese we eat well almost daily. But few of our sources can tell you the bad breath Eliminate the cause of bad breath can solve ordinary black tea, which has antibacterial properties. Onion All of us are probably well known 'resistance' smell of onions. Onions are also a very useful product and has traditionally always on our table. Eliminate the cause of bad breath can help ordinary black tea. Tea should be strong. Oil included in the walnuts are also able to neutralize the smell of onions stable. If bad breath constantly harass you, you should deal with it. What is the main reason is not 'eating' of smell and how to get rid of bad breath are considered in the next book. Be Healthy!
