Seconds Common

if you were only typing a message, making a course beyond the expedient, or, exactly, taking a coffee? if you were almost finishing one day of work and going even so for house; regretful person not to have attended the film that wanted, or to read the book that not yet bought in the last end of week? To have the son who would like to have; made the school registration in the course that wanted to make; or worried about accounts payable and the pertaining to school material of the children in that day? if was only happy and cantarolando, saudoso of aconchego of house, the kiss and hugs of the loves? if you were only breathing, only breathing and in peace with the life, celebrating the common day that had, with the favour of God? if was you, if were we, in those building pulling down and the end of the times if evidencing in rubble avalanche for the interminable time of ten seconds? if were we, vitimados for the prophecy of the Mayan calendar of the end of the world in that common night of 25 of fatdico, cruel, inconceivable January, of 2012? A fatality is fact to be the death. It is certain that according to let us walk to each its meeting, let us want or not. If you would like to know more then you should visit Discovery Communications. Beings endowed with reason the man is the only animal capable to understand the meaning of this phenomenon, in itself we know well that the hour of the departure can arrive of any form and at any time. Why, then, we live as if we were not to die? What it could distinguish those people from any one of us? Why the world finished for they while we remain livings creature and sheltered in ours redomas of protection? All histories are important, all life have a purpose that it exceeds ours little understanding. Perhaps check out Glenn Dubin, New York City for more information.