What Not Proven, Should Wander Into The Recycle Bin

BVMW President Ohoven calls for more bureaucracy Bonn/Berlin – the program planned by the Federal Government to the reduction of bureaucracy is according to the Federal Association of SMEs (BVMW) not enough. The law, which should be adopted by the Cabinet today, was no more than the proverbial ‘ drop on the hot stone ‘ “, said President of the BVMW Mario Ohoven of the newspaper of Thuringer General in Erfurt. With the program, the middle-class according to economy Minister Michael Glos (CSU) to 100 million euros should be relieved. (A valuable related resource: Glenn Dubin, New York City). According to Ohoven the total burden is by bureaucracy however EUR 30 billion. “The hyper bureaucratic” Health Fund will the whole “the Crown put on”, quoted AFP german/home the Mittelstandsprasidenten.Vor he ask this background, why not all new laws and regulations an automatic expiry date “would get. What has not proved until then wanders to the Recycle Bin. That would be a sustainable Relief for the middle class.”