
It is necessary to know that we now face a world in which vanish the old realities, and modifications that are running are mainly in the economic and social field giving way to the use of new techniques. Brian Robert: the source for more info. Different sectors have been developed with the passage of time, and Assembly technologies, which have given way to a change in the different concept of realization of a product, everything before was performed manually in these moments is automated by the software. Today this has gained ground in the different areas of the industry, as well as the branch of the society. He is not currently conceived a world without technology, the use of these becomes indispensable for development. What has caused a great fusion between different Sciences. Communications technologies have been at the forefront of this bonding process, thereby creating a perfect amalgam between information and development. rding this issue. Due that have a close relationship with other sciences, which it takes part of its contents and integrates them.

The use of the technologies of information technology and communications (ICT) represents a remarkable variation in society and eventually a change in many social sectors since that has been generated a new way to disseminate and forge knowledge. Today’s world is closely connected, which a few years ago seemed impossible to achieve, now part of our daily routines. All this can make it thanks to the extensive network that exists, interconnecting from small groups up to organizations, Nations and continents that is Internet. Parallel to this phenomenon has been developed a greater pressure in society and Government by eating exactly the desired products, which translates into a greater requirement of the customer already turn a great competition between different companies of the same branch. All of this translates as competition in the market, which leads to the use of different techniques, mechanisms and communication tools such as marketing. Marketing is the administrative and social process by which individuals and groups they meet your needs to create and exchange goods and services.

Philip Kotler (considered the father of marketing) this was the concept that gave Philip Kotler, titular since 1988 distinguished Professor S.C. Johnson & Son of International Marketing at the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management of Northwestern University in Evaston. With the emergence of the Internet and the comprehensive development in the world of technologies, marketing and advertising have been initiated in new roads one of these are the classified ads which are a perfect example of the union of technology and marketing, with the aim of achieving to sell something to someone. Since they do not sell product or service, you have to achieve is awakening interest and cause the reader to enter action requesting more information. In a nutshell they have to awaken the desire to know more about their products or services.